Skillful Means Podcast
Skillful Means Podcast offers practical wisdom for everyday life. Host Jennifer O'Sullivan explores navigating life's challenges through the lenses of Buddhist mindfulness, yoga, Internal Family Systems, and positive psychology.
Each month, episodes feature grounded guidance and accessible practices for meeting whatever arises with greater ease.
Jennifer is a Certified IFS Practitioner with over 20 years of experience teaching yoga and mindfulness.
Skillful Means Podcast
#90 Yoga Beyond Asana
Could you imagine a yoga class without postures? In fact, millions of dedicated yoga practitioners don't practice asana at all.
In this episode, Annie and Jen discuss ways to engage with the teachings separate from asana, drawing on guidance from the "Bhagavad Gita" and their own experiences.
"Bhagavad Gita" quote mentioned in the episode:
Chapter 2 Verse 42-43
"There are ignorant people who speak flowery words and take delight in the letter of the law, saying that there is nothing else. Their hearts are full of selfish desires, Arjuna. Their idea of heaven is their own enjoyment, and the aim of all their activities is pleasure and power."
Summer Recommended Reading
Contemplating Reality, Andy Karr
Waking, Matthew Sandford
David Copperfield, Charles Dickens
Silo Series, Hugh Howey
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We love to hear from you! Reach out to us on Facebook and Instagram. We also welcome your messages at feedback@skillfulmeanspodcast.com or in our voicemail box on SpeakPipe.
You can get in touch with Jen through her website (http://www.sati.yoga).
Find Annie at Sun & Moon Yoga Studio (https://www.sunandmoonstudio.com) on Wednesday nights (in person or online) for meditation and dharma talks.
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SMP welcomes your comments and questions at feedback@skillfulmeanspodcast.com. You can also get in touch with Jen through her website: https://www.sati.yoga
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