Skillful Means Podcast

#64 Tending the Garden of the Mind

Jennifer O'Sullivan & Annie Moyer

Following on Annie's series of contemplative practices on the kleshas, Jen and Annie discuss how uncovering the roots of our "mental poisons" might guide us in navigating current events that feel particularly fraught. 

Resources Mentioned on the Show:
G.R.A.C.E.: Training in Cultivating Compassion-based Interactions via Upaya Zen Center
The Lightmaker's Manifesto by Karen Walrond

What We're Reading
Small Wonder: Essays by Barbara Kingsolver
Wild Seed (Book 1 of The Patternist Series) by Octavia Butler
Ten Steps to Nanette: A Memoir Situation by Hannah Gadsby

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You can get in touch with Jen through her website ( and Annie through Sun & Moon Yoga Studio ( Listen live to Annie's dharma talks on YouTube (